Saturday, December 1, 2012

BRA's an Bra Models, What a joke!

      I have to write this quickly as I need to leave soon, but just had to post this watching a show all about Bras, Well, let me throw my attitude out there. This show was all about, well a segment was about finding a bra to fit as you need to. Not so. The models they show are all young and slender. Our bodies change as we age and yes I know smart alec's, then take better care. Well what if you didn't? What if you just like the way you are?
      The price bigger women pay for bras is a sin. Personally I love PLAYTEX! Now isn't that personal, but you must hand wash as in all bras, lose shape and elasticity. YOU can buy them on line too and not be disappointed with colors. There is less choice in local big department stores and why is that? Because the businesses want you to pay higher than needed ship and handling.
   Oh in that show it gave a name of a place so popular that bras fit anyone. I won't give that business name out because it was delightful to see a model, average size, yeah sure, which I haven't seen in some time, anyway she was about a size 12. Her bra didn't fit, straps were sliding down after adjustments and the cups were way off. I should give the name actually, but now don't remember it. But if you are locally here or look up channel eight in York Pa. It was on at 8:30 a.m.-I'm sure you can find it.

Friday, November 30, 2012

xbox-360 Limited Edition

   I have been convinced! So many kids come and go in my home which is without most electronics, but I am coming up to speed. Writing is my passion but this is a gift for anyone that takes them through play in all kinds of weather, A way to invite friends in and keep an eye on the kids at the same time. I know men love this too. Also a good way to share dad and child in playful games together=kinnect in more ways than one:)
   X BOX 360 Limited Edition Kinect Starwars Bundle. Check it out at Sam's Club

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Verizon , Police, & MIssing Persons

      Without going into specifics I learned tonight that VERIZON is a phone service suggested  by those who search for people. It appears when a lost person, run-a way-people in trouble need to be found who have VERIZON, well they can easily be located with a VERIZON phone. Not only will VERIZON "ping" easily to an area, but an address is more detectable with Verizon.
      In My Opinion, make sure your children who have cell phones use Verizon, elderly parents who may appear to be going through those stages in life can use a VERIZON phone. Honestly with the information I have learned about tonight, everyone should switch.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


   Yea and finally. I sprayed it on, waited a few minutes and used an old mop, wet it and wiped off, down and sideways to insure I took off all of the Kaboom.
Many people say you just have to get in there and scrub. I tried that too and am not good at it with a bad back and knees, so to my surprise I finally found a product that really works, Kaboom is number one on my bath tub cleaner. Kaboom is less expensive than most such items on the market, well excuse me, many not such items. Kaboom to you!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Kaboom !

    I read an article last night about Kaboom and remembered as I read it that this was supposed to be a very good product especially for hardened soap on the bathtub walls and tub itself. While my tub is very clean, looks very white it is dull from all of the use of hand soaps. I have learned during my searches that hand soap is the worst to use, as the residue sticks to the tub and walls, so off to shop today, buy a bottle of Kaboom and will let you know the results tomorrow, maybe even tonight. Oh, anyone who lives here now uses body wash.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Welch's Grape Juice 100 %


This is a grape juice worth buying. It does have however 36gr of sugars but if you are on a 2000-two thousand calorie a day diet, you might want to drink four ounces instead of the eight ounces as a serving. Eight ounces is one hundred and forty calories (140) so cut it in half and eat those colorful fruits and vegetables.
   Today I am doing my have to shopping and hate to shop on Saturdays, but I do want to cut out those "Moments of Pleasure."
That was a discussion I had last night as you can read in my other blog and now I am happy it happened as I have learned another lesson, but so will the other person in wanting to be so right.
    Well a couple of hard boiled eggs, a small glass of Welch's Grape juice and I'm off to a good start. I love protein too, so buying a large roast, marinate, and will use by slicer to prepare for about five days of lunchtime meals with a deep green salad, and I will have that Welch's Grape juice each morning to replace coffee. Is there a better choice?

Thursday, October 11, 2012

White Vinegar Removes Lipstick and more

       Talk about stain removers! Who would have thought that white vinegar removes lipstick, and grass stains. I just tried some on my living room carpet. I had a stain in one small spot, well about the size of a large hand for a few years and nothing would take it out. Then a week ago I had a carpet cleaner company over to clean the carpet. That stains and a few other small stains were left after it finally dried.
      Try it. Either dilute it or use full strength, whatever you feel comfortable doing for a first time. No chemicals, a clear product is always better and less expensive than anything I know Carpet Cleaning company=73.14 a bottle of vinegar= .89. Now how can you go wrong?